Messenger Bots
Creating bots for messengers
Creating bots for messengers
(Creating your own cryptocurrency, creating liquidity for it and giving it value and weight)
(Development of projects from scratch) Goal is to make MVP as soon as possible
The "PBN (Private Blog Network) Project" on GitHub is a toolkit for creating Private Blog Networks. It outlines a workflow for assembling a domain database, selecting domains from categories like free or pending, and obtaining statistics. The project focuses on using domains with a history, particularly dropped domains, and retrieving content from public archives. The …
My task is to create GPT models for automating the attraction of people, sales, and user support. Example: There is an email chain from a potential client. A new email arrives asking for information about a 3-meter dome. The operator enters "6m instead of 3m". The model generates a response "Dear Petr. We are sending …
Примеры небольших работ можно посмотреть в моих публичных репозиториях. Более серьезные проекты находятся в приватном доступе, пожалуйста обращайтесь, открою по запросу. Projects for fulldome: (Телеграм-бот с подключением к OpenAI API, node.js с использованием библиотеки telegraf, проект с нуля) Projects for stc Own projects: (Создание сетки pbn, поиск доменов для киберсквоттинга, склейки и …
The team was developing a speech recognition complex. The complex is successfully used by the Ministry of Defense and the FSB. My area of responsibility is the development of a part related to speech analytics . In addition to development, he personally interacted with customers on 46 business trips (FSB Liteiny St. Petersburg, Krasnoye Selo, …